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Don’t leave for tomorrow what you could leave to Alfredo.

Your personalized assistant
Called. Resolved.
Called, resolved!
Less operational tasks in your list

Without Alfredo

Wasted time in operational tasks

Bureaucracy blocking your day to day

Ever growing task lists

No “me time”

Life without Alfredo

With Alfredo

Less time resolving operational tasks

Less stress with bureaucracy

Tasks resolved in one message

Focus on what truly matters to you

Life with Alfredo

Area free of robots

My team is 100% human, leveraging technology. Human and artificial intelligence together to resolve your demands.

Inteligência humana e artificial juntas para resolver suas demandas.

How does it work

Choose the ideal subscription
Como funciona o Alfredo assistente pessoal
Ask for help using WhatsApp or our platform
Exemplos de mensagem do Alfredo
Relax while I resolve your demands.
Relaxe enquanto o Alfredo resolve!

Tasks I can help you with


  • Hire transportation

  • Schedule the move

  • Change address with utilities and services


  • Schedule commitments

  • Organize in person meetings

  • Block “me time”


  • Quoting services and products

  • Organizing payable and receivables

  • Relationship with suppliers


  • Plan your trip day by day

  • Reservas de hospedagem e passeios turísticos

What else do you need?

My team can help you with various tasks.

Just call me and we will resolve it.


  • Find and reserve location

  • Source catering

  • Invite people and control RSVPs.

Tarefas em que o Alfredo pode te ajudar

Those who know me, won’t live without me.

Yves Junqueira

Founder @

Alfredo helps me with two very important things: 1) Administrative tasks that I used to let pile up; 2) Personal matters that I don’t want to neglect, despite my busy workday. I feel more focused on executing and managing what truly matters in my business. This has made a big difference in my daily life.
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